Thursday, July 15, 2010

WorldWide Branding Program Under Way

NOTE: If you are an independent video services provider anywhere in the world and think the equivalent of $70 US per hour is a reasonable income starting point for participation in a worldwide branding program with much more potential than that, keep reading!

ALSO, PLEASE READ: Business Opportunity Update, just re-updated today, July 20, 2010!

With Australia and Canada on board, along with U.S.A. associates in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Mississippi, Florida, Northern California and Southern California, the world-wide marketing and branding program is well on its way to fulfillment.

Among country and state associate representatives considering participation in this new video production business that focuses on a HUGE demographic with a proven need are Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany, South Africa, Virginia, Missouri, Oregon and Texas.

There‘s a need for qualified independent video producer representation in countries throughout the world, as well as the U.S.A. While the ground floor base is fairly established, independent video producers seeking to expand their business operations into a currently under-served video market can certainly do so for a minimal investment.

The potential for R.O.I. in a very short time is huge. The opportunities for new, renewable and referral video business — along with visibility, linkage and name recognition through association with a world-wide branding program are outstanding. This program focuses on a demographic KNOWN to appreciate the basic service it offers.

Refer to previous articles: New Business Opportunity and Business Opportunity Update! here for additional information. Contact me at for further information on how to become part of a business plan, branding strategy and marketing program that is going to become very popular in every geographical location on the planet.

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