Sunday, August 05, 2012

For All Those Who Hate Doing Photo Montages

Send ’em my way!
Over the years my experience with fellow video producers has established that the vast majority consider montage work demeaning, frustrating, a waste of time, not lucrative, PIAs, something to be avoided or at best something to discourage by racking up charges and fees while limiting the number of images a potential client can use.
They DO NOT want to do them!

There are, however, ways to market and produce photo montage productions that can prove highly profitable and easy to produce. By using techniques and programs that help generate quality montage productions without time-consuming customization and by providing an affordable, reasonably-priced production that isn't so limiting, say up to 150 images instead of 20 or 30, and turning them around in a day or three ANY video producer from beginner/amateur to seasoned professional can increase cash flow and pump up the profits.

With very little effort any independent professional video services provider can successfully market photo montage production, convincing the do-it-yourselfers as well as the hopelessly technology challenged to pay a reasonable sum for creation of a montage that outshines their best amateur creations. A little attention given pacing, timing, effects and audio finish will set apart any production by a pro from that of someone who has no experience in the field. YOU can be that professional!

By establishing your marketing focus on photo montage production, utilizing a solid direct-marketing strategy that drives potential clients to your montage website, you can quickly develop a montage only or weekday montage production program that will, at worst, average one-per-day, or at best develop such a flow of montage business you’ll have to outsource some of the production work. By keeping turnaround times tight (five working days or less from time of receipt of materials) and fees reasonable, the word-of-mouth referrals will keep you hopping.

A dedicated independent video producer focusing on nothing but photo montage work can easily create three, up to five, productions a day. But, focus on the one-per-day average for a minute.

* One montage a day at $125
* Times 5 days a week = $625
* Times 50 weeks a year = $31,250

What’s so bad about that? But wait, there’s more. You’ll average a minimum of two additional copies per project, at $25 each.

* Two copies @ $25 = $50
* Times 5 projects a week = $250
* Times 50 weeks a year = $12,500 PLUS your base of $31,250 for a total annual income of $43,750


There’s an easy way to develop this kind of independent video production business. Get my book, “Make Money Marketing & Producing Photo Montages: The Complete Guide" available at Lulu Dot Com for $79.95 plus S&H.

By ordering direct from me you can save $20 AND S&H. Send your check to Earl Chessher, e-mail me at echessher at hotmail dot com for information on where to send your order. So, order today and spend only $59.95, including shipping and handling.

Send ’em MY WAY!
Those of you already in the business, who accept a montage project from time-to-time but still HATE doing them, send ’em my way. You can send me UP TO 150 images (digital via my Dropbox preferred), suggest UP TO three songs and an opening title and I will deliver back to you within five days a finished photo montage of UP TO 15 minutes (or less) duration for $125.

Charge your customer what you want and what the market will bear. Special pricing per DVD hard copies also offered for video producers outsourcing their montage work to me.

Remember: If you Market, You Will Make It! © Earl Chessher