Production Outline for
“They Shoot Funerals, Don’t They”
release date Dec. 15, 2010.
They Shoot Funerals, Don’t They: The Definitive Publication & Resource Program for Independent Professional Video Services Providers Seeking to Expand their Business
I. Introduction
A. Synopsis: It’s a Funeral, Get Over It!
1. Professional Video Services for a Seriously Under Served Market
B. First Things First: Marketing Funeral Video Services
1. A Story: Edit Out His Girlfriend!
2. Marketing to Funeral Services Facilities
a. Funeral Homes
b. Mortuaries
c. Cremation Service Providers
d. Pastors, Ministers, Rabbis, Bishops, Deacons, Priests, Officiants
3. Marketing to Churches & Synagogues, Temples & Chapels
4. Marketing to Individuals
5. Other Marketing Options (Necessities)
a. Your Domain Name
b. Your Website
c. Using Your Social Network Connections
C. Establishing Competitive, Reasonable, Profitable Fees
1. A Story: Taps, Fly-overs, Bikers and Military Escorts
2. What is Your Competition Charging
a. Do You HAVE any Competition?
b. What is Fair Value?
c. Adding Extras
d. When it Becomes ‘Nickel & Dimeing’
3. Competing with Funeral Homes & Places of Worship
4. On Location VS Multiple Sites
5. Rosary, Viewings, Visitation, Wakes & Receptions
6. Graveside & Committal Services (What‘s the Difference?)
7. Extreme Customer Service: Success Means Going the Extra Mile
8. Keeping Your Business Profitable
D. Family Clients Don’t Know What to Expect
1. A Story: Sometimes They Do Wail
2. Yes, Uncle Charlie Also Operates Here
3. “Edited” Doesn’t Mean Leaving Out Anything
4. Mostly It’s Another Celebration of Life
5. Let Those Attending Know You‘re Videotaping
II. Establishing Relationships
A. Get to Know Who Manages the Counselors
1. A Story: Most of the Time They Celebrate, Sometimes Wildly
2. Get to Know the Family Counselors
3. Get to Know the Service Directors
4. The Officiant Can be Your Best Friend or Worst Nightmare
B. Your Word is Your Bond
1. A Story: Hallelujah It’s Raining Men
2. Make NO Promises You Cannot Keep
3. You MIGHT Get One Pass, but That‘s Probably It
4. If You Mess Up, Fess Up
5. Politics: If “They” Mess Up, Don’t Tattle
6. It’s Not My Job! Be Helpful
III. Working Well with Others
A. Musicians, Soloists, Doves, Bag Pipers & Processionals
1. A Story: There‘s No Business Like Show Business
2. Other Vendors are Your Friends
3. Keep it Upbeat. Don‘t Gossip, Grumble or Gripe
4. NO! You Absolutely May NOT Eat Unless They Insist
5. How Relationships Can Work for You: Networking
B. How You Dress is Important
1. A Story: It Helps if You Know There‘s a Theme
2. Ethnic Funerals
3. Formal Funerals
4. Informal Celebrations of Life (Still a Funeral)
IV. Putting It All Together: Producing Your Video
A. Videotaping
1. A Story: Tell the Guy on the Pipes to Quit Playing
2. What You WANT to Videotape
3. What You DO NOT Want to Videotape
4. Ask First, But Probably Videotape the Casket
a. It’s a Casket, Not a Coffin
5. Get There Early
6. How Long Does a Funeral Last
7. Standard Definition or High, 4x3 or 16x9
B. Audio
1. A Story: I Know it was a Compliment, but Leave it Out
2. Redundant Audio Backup
3. Your On-Camera (Built-In) Mic
4. Other Audio Recording Needs
5. Speak from the Podium, or Else
C. Lights, or Not?
1. A Story: Masons, Knights, Cops & Mariachis
2. When to Use Them
3. When it’s Better if You Didn’t
V. Putting It All Together: Editing Your Video
A. Basic Shoot, Deluxe Production & Unedited
1. A Story: This is Why People Hire a Professional
2. What Goes Into a Basic Production
3. What Goes Into a Deluxe Production
4. Do you WANT to Offer RAW Footage
a. Clean it Up First? (That’s Editing)
5. What Gets Left In, or Left Out
a. Do I Need the Family to Fill Out a Form
VI. Other Services You Can Offer
A. Photo-Music Memorial Montages
1. A Story: Facilities Don’t Always Get it Right
2. Production Levels & Styles
3. Scanning the Photos & Digital Resources
4. Remember: It’s the Photos
5. Keep It Short for Service, Longer for Reception or Family Only
6. Fast or Overnight Turnarounds Often Necessary
7. Offering, Giving Away, or Selling the Scanned Jpegs on CD
8. What Should I Charge
B. Satellite Feeds
1. A Story: Monitoring the Feed Guerrilla Style
2. What Does it Take to Do This
3. What if I Add Videotaping, Other Services
4. What Should I Charge
C. Audio Recording Only
1. A Story: OK, I’ll Take a Video Too
2. Back it Up for Security, Sales
3. What to Use for Audio Only
4. What Should I Charge
D. Memorial Montage Projection
1. A Story: Twenty Minutes Until Showtime & No Lamp
2. What Do I Need to Offer This
3. Have a Second System, Lamp (Know How to Replace)
4. What Should I Charge
E. Other Options & Opportunities
1. A Story: I Want to See My Memorial Montage Now
2. Heritage Productions: End of Life Testimonies
3. Personal Documentaries: Full Production Treatment
4. Something Special for Alzheimer’s & Hospice Families
5. On-Site Family History or Short Documentary Kiosks
VII. Support & Resource Materials
A. Direct-mail Postcards
B. Direct-mail Letters
C. Art & Graphics
D. Release Forms
E. Agreement Forms
VIII. DVD & CD Samples & Resources, PDF files
Advance orders are now accepted at a substantial savings over regular and special pricing. Inquire via e-mail to
Current pricing set at $49.99 plus S&H advance orders; $79.95 plus S&H for orders received between Dec. 15, 2010 and Jan. 10, 2011; Regular price $129.95 S&H included.