Saturday, June 20, 2009

Your Basic Marketing Strategy

If you commit to the following 10 basic marketing strategies your business will grow in size, income or branding. At least one area will experience positive improvement if not all three, based on your consistent application of and dedication to the following.

1.) Mail one demo with cover letter a week of some kind to a valid home address
2.) Mail one demo with cover letter a week related to a valid business address
3.) Mail 10 direct mail letters a month to dance, martial arts, high school or other
4.) Mail one postcard a day to any good potential business, family or group source
5.) Post one business related item a day on Twitter; get an account and use it
6.) Post one business related item a day on Facebook; get a facebook account and use it
7.) Respond to all phone or e-mail inquiries within 24 hours of their receipt
8.) Stop and visit one random potential resource a month in your service area
9.) Identify and send 10 e-mails a month to any desired potential client resource
10.) Spend one-half hour a week on Google, searching for and reading something about marketing

Successful marketing relies on consistency and being persistent. Once you get into the groove all the above should not require more than an average of 15 minutes a day - less than one 8-hour working day a month.
Remember: If you market, you will make it! © Earl Chessher

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